About BIBM

      Call for Workshop Paper & Posters

      Call for Tutorial


      Online Submission

      Important Dates


      Program Committee


      Accepted Papers

      Keynote and Invited Talks

      Program Schedule

      Hotel Information

      Traffic Information

      Visa Application


      Student travel Award




  National Science Foundation


BIBM 2015

The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) has established itself as the premier research conference in bioinformatics and biomedicine. IEEE BIBM 2015 provides a leading forum for disseminating the latest research in bioinformatics and health informatics. It brings together academic and industrial scientists from computer science, biology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics and statistics.

BIBM 2015 is now open for registration.

Program Schedule Posted

New Deadline for Posters

The new deadline is Oct 7th, 2015.

Camera-Ready Submission Links Added

Final camera-ready submission for BIBM 2015 main conference.

Final camera-ready submission for BIBM 2015 workshops.

Final camera-ready submission for BIBM 2015 posters.

Important dates

Electronic submission of full papers: July 19, 2015

Notification of paper acceptance: September 18, 2015

Camera-ready of accepted papers: October 2, 2015

Conference: November 9-12, 2015

Call for Tutorial

The Program Committees of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2015) invite scientists and professionals working in the fields of computational biology, bioinformatics, computational system biology, and biomedicine to submit proposals for high quality tutorials. The committees particularly welcome submissions in new emerging areas (e.g., host-pathogen interactions, noncoding RNAs, protein design, structural bioinformatics of large assemblies, computational synthetic biology).  See Call for Tutorial.

Call for Workshop Paper & Posters

The IEEE BIBM has established itself as the primer conference in bioinformatics and biomedicine, The IEE BIBM 2015 received 341 research papers. If you miss the submission deadline, there are still other chances for you to submit your research work to the IEEE BIBM 2015 workshops and posters. See Call for Workshop Papers & Posters.

Call for Paper

Click here to read pdf.

We solicit high-quality original research papers (including significant work-in-progress) on any aspect of bioinformatics, biomedicine and healthcare informatics. New computational techniques and methods in machine learning; data mining; text analysis; pattern recognition; knowledge representation; databases; data modeling; combinatorics; stochastic modeling; string and graph algorithms; linguistic methods; robotics; constraint satisfaction; data visualization; parallel computation; data integration; modeling and simulation and their application in life science domain are especially encouraged. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

 1. Genomics and Molecular Structure, Function and Evolution 

     a. Next-Gen Sequencing and Metagenomics
     b. Evolution, Phylogeny, Comparative Genomics
     c. SNPs and haplotype analysis, GWAS
     d. Protein/RNA Structure, Function and Interactions

 2. Computational Systems Biology

     a. Transcriptomics - Microarray Data Analysis
     b. Gene Regulation, Alternative Splicing, Network/Pathway Analysis
     c. Proteomics, PTMs, Metabolomics
     d. Epigenomics, non-coding RNA analysis, DNA methylation analysis

 3. Medical Informatics and Translational Bioinformatics 

     a. Biomedical Intelligence, Clinical Data Analysis, and Electronic Health Record
     b. Biomedical Signal/Image Analysis
     c. Genome-Phenome Analysis
     d. Biomarker Discovery 

 4. Cross-Cutting Computational Methods and Bioinformatics Infrastructure 

     a. Biomedical Text Mining and Ontologies
     b. Biological Data Mining and Visualization
     c. Computational Modeling and Data Integration
     d. High Performance Computing

5. Healthcare Informatics

     a. Healthcare knowledge representation & reasoning
     b. Health data acquisition, analysis and mining
     c. Healthcare information systems
     d. Clinical Decision Support and Informatics


The Industrial Track solicits papers describing implementations of Bioinformatics and Biomedicine solutions relevant to industrial settings. The focus of industry track is on papers that address the practical, applied, or pragmatic or new research challenge issues related to the use of bioinformatics and biomedicine technologies in industry. We accept full papers (up to 8 pages), extended abstracts (2-4 pages), as well as short abstracts (1 page, 500 words).

·       Journal special issues: IEEE BIBM has a tradition to publish selected papers as special issues in highly respected journals. We will publish the special issues publications with 8 journals: IEEE Transactions on NanoBiosceince,  IEEE/ACM Transactions on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics,   Proteomics, BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine,  Journal of Network Modeling and Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, Methods (In the past BIBM conference, the number of special issues is: BIBM 2014 – 10 special issues, BIBM 2013 –9 special issues, BIBM 2012—8 special issues, BIBM 2011—8 special issue,  BIBM 2010—7 special issues, BIBM 2009—4 special issues; BIBM 2008—4 special issues)  


·       Student Travel Award: BIBM 2015 will offer as many as possible student travel awards to student authors (including post-doc). We have received a NSF grant for student travel award and expect to offer 25-30 student travel awards.   (BIBM 2014—25 student travel awards, BIBM 2013—40 student travel awards, BIBM 2012 -30 student travel awards, BIBM 2011—28 student travel awards, BIBM 2010-22 student travel awards,  BIBM 2009—16 student travel awards )

Conference Co-Chairs:

Prof. Bin Ma, University of Waterloo, Canada

Prof. Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, University of Connecticut, USA


Program Co-Chairs:

Prof. Jun (Luke) Huan, University of Kansas, USA

Prof. Satoru Miyano, University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Amarda Shehu, George Mason University, USA


Industry Program Committee Chair


BIBM Steering Committee Chair:

Prof. Xiaohua Tony Hu, Drexel University, USA, thu@cis.drexel.edu 


Online Submission

Please submit a full-length paper (upto 8 page IEEE 2-column format) through the online submission system (you can download the format instruction here (http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html ). Electronic submissions (in PDF or Postscript format) are required. Selected participants will be asked to submit their revised papers in a format to be specified at the time of acceptance.


Bibm 2015 main conference submission site:

Bibm 2015 Workshop submission site:

Bibm 2015 Industry submission site:

Bibm 2015 Poster submission site: