Web-enabled OLAP Tutorial

- DW Overview

--------Back-end Tools

- Intro to OLAP

--------Codd's 12 Rules

- MD Data Structures

- OLAP Server

- OLAP Operations

- OLAP Architectures

--------MOLAP: Part I
--------MOLAP: Part II
--------ROLAP: Part I
--------ROLAP: Part II

- Data Explosion

- OLAP Criteria

- Glossary

- References


A. Shoshani, "OLAP and Statistical Databases: Similarities and Differences." ACM TODS, 1997

Chaudhuri, Surajit, U. Dayal, "An Overview of Data Warehousing and OLAP Technology." Available from http://research.microsoft.com.

Codd, E.F., S.B. Codd, C.T. Salley, "Providing OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) to User Analyst: An IT Mandate." Available from http://www.hyperion.com.

Cognos, "Seven Criteria for Highly Effective Enterprise OLAP." Available from http://businessintelligence.ittoolbox.com.

Dinter, Barbara, C. Sapia, G.Hofling, M. Blaschka, "The OLAP Market: State of the Art and Research Issues." Available from http://portal.acm.org.

Hyperion, "The Role of the OLAP Server in a Data Warehousing Solution." Available from http://www.hyperion.com.


Intersoft Lab, "Creating web-based OLAP solution." Available from http://www.contourcomponents.com.

Intersoft Lab, "OLAP Reports Delivery." Available from http://www.contourcomponents.com.

Kimball, R., The Data Warehouse Toolkit , John Wiley, 1996

MicroStrategy, Inc., "The Case for Relational OLAP." White Paper, 1995

Pilot Software Acquisition Corp., "Pilot Analysis Server: Multi-dimensional OLAP Engine Including Hybrid OLAP." White Paper, 2003

Speedware Corporation Inc, "Hybrid OLAP." White Paper, 1997

SPF Pty Ltd., "OLAP Data Scalability." White Paper, 2003

Thomsen, Erik, OLAP Solutions: Building Multidimensional Information Systems, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002

White, Colin, "Intelligent Business Strategies: OLAP in the Database." Available from http://www.dmreview.com.