Drexel University

College of Computing and Informatics

Project Refit: Blue Skies

An app tailor made for veterans and first responders to combat isolation via a peer support network and up-to-date,  specialized resources.
Project Refit is a non-profit founded to combat isolation in the veteran and first responder community. Refit provides ESSENTIAL peer support to these communities, strengthening and empowering both individual and their loved ones. This project, Blue Skies was built to take this peer support network to the next level by crafting an exclusive community of people and resources that vets and first responders can take on the go.

Blue Skies is named in honor of CSM Martin "Gunny" Barreras each innovation is inspired by his leadership style, and we had to think of innovations fast.  In 2014 the VA found that suicide had spiked by 35% from 2001 to 2013.  With a strong support network and access to essential, targeted resources such as mental health professionals, community events, podcasts,  books, and more, we can help people help themselves.  Our innovative Radio Check feature will algorithmically and semi-anonymously match users based on their branch, deployment status, and rank. Users can craft their own, personal peer support network by making friends then adding them to a Fireteam. Friends and Fireteam members get notified first when a user wants to Talk.  A forum allows users to share news, ask questions, post available jobs or networking opportunities.

By providing users with everything they need to help themselves grow emotionally clear, psychologically stronger, and mentally empowered and an awesome place to do it, we can form a strong, lasting, and informed community free of censorship and stigma.


Team Members
